2. Accent Improver: The person who advises on improvement of accents in language & teaches the art of pronunciation.
3. Accountancy: Profession to write, keep or inspect financial accounts. such as income and expenditure.
4. Acting: Art or occupation of performing in dramas, plays, films and TV, skits,
5. Actuarial Science: Study of calculations of insurance risk and premiums by studying rates of mortality and frequency of acts
of nature, calamities, accidents, fires, theft etc.
6. Administrator: A person who looks after or manages the day-to-day affairs of any body, organization or government.
7. Admiral: A post in the Navy. The chief commander of the navy.
8. Advertising: Business that deals with the publicizing of, making known of and making a propaganda of goods/services to
encourage people to buy or use them, increasing sales/volumes.
9. Advocate: A lawyer who presents a client’s case in a court of law argues the case and otherwise deals with it.
10. Aerobics Instructor: Person who instructs people in energetic and rhythmic physical exercise that promotes physical fitness
by increasing the body’s oxygen intake.
11. Agriculture: The art. Science or practice of cultivating the land and growing crops, fruits, vegetables etc on it.
12. Agronomy: Science of study and controlling of the soil to produce crops, fruits, vegetables etc.
13. Air Traffic Controller: A person at an airport who gives wireless radio instructions to pilots for flying, takeoff or landing
14. Airhostess: A female in a passenger aircraft who serves food/beverages to passangers and helps them with a smiling face.
15. Anaesthetist: Person/doctor who administers anesthesia for medical purpose particularly surgeries.
16. Analyst: Person skilled in making (especially chemical) analysis of samples for industrial, commercial or other purpose.
17. Anatomist: Anatomy is the systematic study of the structure of animal and human bodies. A person who studies anatomy is
called as anatomist.
18. Anchorperson: Person who comperes and co-ordinates the discussion of a group, especially that of participants, in a radio or
TV broadcast or a stage show.
19. Announcer: A person who announces about the programmers, speakers, singers, performers and the like, especially on
radio, TV or at public functions.
20. Anthropology: Study of mankind, especially in the context of its origin, development, customs and beliefs traditions.
21. Aquaculture: Cultivation and propagation of the natural living produce in or of water for commercial and industrial use.
22. Archaeology: Study of ancient history and civilizations by scientific analysis of physical ruins found in the ground.
23. Architecture: The art and science of conceptualizing, designing and constructing buildings.
24. Army Officer: A post of Officer of country’s land army.
25. Art Instructor/Art Director: The former is a person with the skill/ability to guide people in the visual form of creation such
as drawing, painting, photography or sculpture. The latter is an individual employed in the print media or advertising who
handles the designing of all forms of art on printed matter.
26. Artist: Person who practices any of the fine arts, especially painting, acting, designing, sculpting, or even acting etc.
27. Astrology: Study of the position of the planets, the asterisms stars and their movements and their co-relation with human
28. Astronomy: Scientific study of the solar system and beyond, the sun, moon, stars, planets etc.
29. Astrophysics: Science and study of the chemical and physical structure and function of heavenly bodies like planets etc.
30. Athlete: A person who participates in physical sports, games, events etc.
31. Athletic Coach: A person who trains athletes for their performance.
32. Auctioneer: Person who conducts auctions, by calling buyers and sells goods in public at the auction.
33. Author: Writer and creator of books, plays and stories.
34. Aviation: The art Science or practice of flying an aircraft.
35. Avionics: Science of electronics in its application to aviation.
36. Bacteriologist: Person engaged in the scientific study of bacteria for medical and other purposes.
37. Baker: The person who bakes and sells baked items like bread, biscuit, cakes and other bakery items.
38. Banker: Owner, director or manager or important functionary of a bank.
39. Biochemist: Specialist in the chemistry and chemical functions and processes of living organism.
40. Biologist: Person engaged in the scientific study of the life and structure of plants and animals.
41. Biotechnology: Branch of technology dealing with forms of industrial or other production that use microorganisms and their
biological process.
42. Blacksmith: Person specializing in the making and repair of products of iron like ploughs, instruments etc.
43. Bodyguard: Person who physically protects another person.
44. Book Critic: Person who evaluates and describes the content and quality of a book or literature.
45. Book Dealer: Person dealing in the distribution and selling of books in bulk generally for business.
46. Bookbinder: Person specializing in compiling the pages and putting covers on them to make a book.
47. Bookkeeper: Person who keeps the records business transactions and accounts.
48. Call Centre Operator: A person engaged in the work of collecting & communicating information sought by his clients.
49. Cameraman: A professional who operates the camera for photography, filmmaking, television production or other purposes.
50. Caretaker: Person employed to look after a house, building or farmhouse. a hostel, or any other enterprise.
51. Carpenter: Person skilled in the art of making wooden objects and furniture.
52. Cartographer: Person who is skilled in the art of drawing maps and charts.
Some Important Professions
53. Cartoonist: Artist who draws a humorous drawing called cartoons for newspapers or other visual mediums.
54. Cashier: Person who receives and pays money in the form of cash or cheques in banks, shops, hotels or offices.
55. Caterer: The person who commercially provides food and beverages for large social gatherings
56. Censor: Person or body authorized to examine books, films, plays, letters and other such material and remove parts
considered indecent, offensive, and politically unacceptable or a threat to the security of the country or people.
57. Chauffeur: Person employed to drive a car. bus, van etc
58. Chemist: Person who sells medicines on the prescription of doctors. Also an expert in chemical analysis.
59. Choreographer: An expert in the art of designing and arranging steps for a dance or ballet
60. Computer Programmer: A person who constructs and feeds detailed instructions to the computer to solve any given
problem or to make a given theme.
61. Conductor: Person who directs the performance of an orchestra or any performance; one who collects fares on a bus.
62. Consultant: Person who gives expert advice in any field.
63. Contractor: Person who does jobs under contract for a specified amount, like constructing building, roads, or any other
64. Copywriter: Person who makes copies and writes advertising or publicity copy.
65. Correspondent: The person who collects and contributes news or reports regularly to a newspaper, radio station or TV
66. Cosmetician/Cosmetologist: An expert in art of cosmetics; one who sells cosmetics and advises on their use.
67. Cosmologist: Person specializing in the scientific study of the universe, it’s structure, its origin and development.
68. Costume Designer: The person who makes, deals in or hires out costumes and clothes and other material for wearing for
theatrical performance, cinema or TV.
69. Court Reporter: Person who reports and keeps record of proceeding of the court or on court cases.
70. Crew: The group of people working on a ship, aircraft, oilrigs, film unit etc.
71. Cryptographer: An expert person who uses a secret or code language to protect confidential information, documents and
computer software from thief’s hackers, copycats and pirates.
72. Deep-sea Diver: The person who specializes in techniques of diving into deeper parts of the sea or ocean for search
operations, research or any other purposes.
73. Dental Hygienist: The person who specializes in protecting, cleaning and polishing people’s teeth.
74. Dentist: The person qualified to treat diseases, malformations of, and injuries to teeth, gums, oral bones etc.
75. Designer: A person specializing in conceptualizing and designing (machinery, homes, furniture, fashionable clothes,
76. Detective: A person, especially a police officer, whose job is to investigate and solve crimes, or find the real facts.
77. Dealership: Dealer is a person who purchases and sales the goods or services of a company, firm, or individual.
78. Dietician: An expert in food, diet and nutrition, eating habits, their values and their physiology.
79. Director: Person who manages a company, body or institution, especially as a member of the board. Also one who directs a
film. Or drama or any performance.
80. DJ: Dist Jockey – A person who handles the announcements for radio, TV, stage shows etc. particularly in modern context.
81. Doctor: A practitioner trained in medical science and qualified to diagnose diseases and treat patients.
82. Draftsman: Person responsible for the exact wording of legal document or drawing of parliamentary bill and the like.
83. Dramatics: Study or practice of acting or producing plays. Dramas. Skits. Etc.
84. Driver: Person who drives a vehicle, car, bus, van, train etc.
85. Earth Science: Any of the sciences such as geology, mining, or geography dealing with the earth.
86. Ecologist: Expert in scientific study of the relation of plants and living creatures in relation to each other and their
87. Economist: Expert in science or principles of the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services
88. Editor: Person who handles the editing of a Newspaper, magazine, book, periodical or journal.
89. Editorial Assistant: Person who performs day-to-day tasks in the work of editing.
90. Electrician: Person trained to install, operate or repair electrical equipment, lines, connections etc.
91. Engineer: Person who conceptualizes, designs, builds or maintains engines, machines, bridges, railways, mines , structures
92. Entrepreneur: Person who sets up or organizes a commercial enterprise, especially one involving financial risks.
93. Environmental Scientist: Person who is concerned about the improvement or protection the environment through
scientific means.
94. Event Manager: The person who organizes, arrange and co-ordinate activities involved during any event, function, program.
95. Executive Secretary: Person in a business organization, club, institution having managerial and administrative power and
reporting to the Director or Chief Executive.
96. Fabricator: One who makes different things out of any material, like iron and steel, eg. Items like grills , furniture etc.
97. Farmer: Person who owns/manages a farm and produces crops, food grains, vegetables, fruits or poultry.
98. Fashion Designer: Person who designs fashionable garments for wearing
99. Finger Print Expert: Person trained to analyse the pattern, lines or impressions made by individual fingers and palms on a
surface and used for identifying people, especially criminals.
100. Fireman: Member of an organized team of people trained to extinguish fires, in cities, jungles etc.
Some Important Professions
101. Fisherman: The person who makes his living by catching fish and selling them.
102. Food Analyst: Scientific examination of food for its nutritional value, contamination or presence of bacteria.
103. Foreign Exchange Dealer: Person who deals with buying and selling of foreign currency, money or other transactions.
104. Forest Ranger: Person who does the job of looking after a forest, protecting animals, birds and trees.
105. Gardener: The person who works in a garden of flower or fruit trees either for remuneration or as a hobby.
106. Gastronomist: A person specialized in the art of preparing, sampling and cooking various items and recepies of food.
107. Genealogist: A person specializing in the study of family history, family tree. They are known as Bhats in Maharashtra.
108. Geographist: A person engaged in the scientific study of the earth’s surface, divisions, climate and other physical features
109. Geologist: An expert in the scientific study of the earth’s structure, crust, rocks, strata, etc. and the history of its development
110. Geophysicist: A person engaged in the scientific study of the physics of the earth – its magnetism, meterology etc.
111. Gerontologist: An expert in the scientific study of old people and ageing processes, their psychological and physiological
112. Guide: A person who shows another the way, used specially for a person employed to show tourists interesting sights,
structures, ruins etc.
113. Gynaecologist: A doctor who has specialized in the scientific study and treatment of diseases and disorder of the female
reproductive system
114. Hairdresser: A person specializing in cutting and styling hair, moustaches, beards etc.
115. Horticulturist: Person expert in the art of growing fruits and vegetables, a skilled gardener
116. Hostess: Woman who receives and entertains people as guests. During dinners, entertainments etc.
117. Immunologist: Person/ Doctor qualified in the scientific study of the immune system of the human body which involves
protection against and resistance of infection.
118. Insurance Agent: Person specializing in providing or selling insurance policies, schemes, products etc.
119. Interior Decorator: Person specializing in decorating the inside of a room, house, office or building using different items
like paint, wallpaper, furniture and other decorative pieces.
120. Interior Designer: An expert in the planned choice of style, colour, furnishing etc. for the inside of a room, hall, house,
office or flat
121. Internet café: A place where computers are kept for people to visit and use them for surfing the Internet.
122. Interpreter: Person who gives a simultaneous translation of any talking done in another language.
123. Jeweller: Person who keeps, sells, makes or repairs jewellery or ornaments.
124. Job Consultant: The person who suggests proper jobs and employment opportunities based on the qualifications, aptitude
125. Journalist: Person involved in collecting, writing, editing and publishing material in Newspapers , magazines and
126. Judge: Public official with a statutory authority to decide cases in the court of law or in tribunals.
127. Keeper: Person who looks after animals in a zoo or a collection of items in a museum or such other places.
128. Kirtankar: The person who does public education by talks and songs from religious scriptures.
129. Knowledge Editor: Person handling the content and composition of knowledge for books, newspapers or websites.
130. Knowledge Engineer: Person who looks into the technological aspect of knowledge management.
131. Lecturer: Person who gives lecturers to teach especially at a school, college or university.
132. Lexicographer: The person who writes or compiles dictionaries, lists, lexicons encyclopedias etc.
133. Librarian: Person in charge of or assisting in a library, a center where books, cassettes, tapes, CDs, DVDs etc are kept.
134. Lineman: Person engaged in the job setting, repairing and maintaining electrical or telephone lines.
135. Linguistics: Scientific study of and language or group of Languages..
136. Lyricist: Person who writes the words and lines of songs or poems (especially popular songs).
137. Machinist: The person who makes, repairs or operates machine or machine tools.
138. Macrobiotics: Science of diets that consists of whole grains and vegetables grown organically without chemical treatment.
139. Marine Biologist: A scientist who studies life in the sea for scientific and commercial purposes.
140. Marriage Counsellor: Expert specializing in guiding married couples with marital problems.
141. Mathematician: An expert in the science and discipline of Mathematics.
142. Matron: Woman in charge of the nurses in a hospital or a Hostel.
143. Medical Representative: The person involved in marketing the medicinal products of a drug or pharmaceutical company.
144. Medical Transcription: The person who writes down notes from taped statements of medical doctors in US & UK. Europe
or other places, on their behalf, and sends those to them for a fee,
145. Metallurgist: Expert in the science of the properties of metals and ores, their uses, methods of obtaining them etc.
146. Meteorologist: An expert in the scientific study of the earth’s atmosphere and its changes, used especially for forecasting
weather. Especially rains, storms, snowfalls etc.
147. Mineralogist: Expert in the scientific study of minerals and their various uses.
148. Model: Person employed to pose for an artist, photographer or sculptor; one employed to display clothes or fashion
accessories or other advertising material to prospective buyers by wearing them.
149. Multi-service Provider: The person who provides all types of services to the customers such as plumbing, payment of
power/telephone bills etc. under one roof.
150. Musician: Person who performs or composes music, songs, duets etc.
Some Important Professions
151. Naturalist: The person who studies animals, plants, birds and other living creatures.
152. Naturopath: Person who treats illness through changes in diet, exercise, manipulation, posture and other natural means like
using mud etc,
153. Neurologist: An expert in the scientific study of nervous system of the body and their diseases.
154. News Reader: Person who announces the news over radio and TV.
155. News Reporter: The person who collects news and information for a newspaper, magazine or periodical or TV, Radio etc.
156. Nurse: Person (usually female) trained to help doctors look after the sick and injured.
157. Occupational Therapist: The person who treats a physical or mental incapacity or handicap through a regulated course of
creative or productive work.
158. Oceanographer: Specialist in the scientific study of the seas and oceans.
159. Operator: The person who operates equipment, machines, a telephone switchboard , a cinema machine etc.
160. Ophthalmologist: A person or doctor specializing in the scientific study of the eye and its diseases.
161. Optician: Person who makes and sells optical instruments, especially contact lenses and glasses, spectacles etc.
162. Orthodontist: The person who specializes in preventing and correcting irregularities in the teeth and jaw.
163. Orthopaedics: Branch of surgery that deals with the bones, correction of bone deformities and diseases, accidents etc.
164. Paediatrics: Branch of medicine concerned with children and their diseases.
165. Pageant Director: An expert in public entertainment consisting of a procession of people in costumes or fashionable dress,
or one who organizes beauty contests, fashion shows etc.
166. Painter: Person specializing in painting walls, buildings and signboards; an artist who paints pictures.
167. Paleontologist: An expert who makes a systematic study of fossils as a guide to the history of life on earth.
168. Pathologist: A doctor who specializes in the study of the disease processes. A person who performs the various tests for the
detection of diseases.
169. Penology: Study of crime and its punishment, and the management of prisons, correction homes, etc.
170. Petrology: Scientific study of rocks.
171. Pharmacist: The person trained in the preparation and dispensation of drugs and medicines; one who sell medicines.
172. Pharmacologist: Person who specializes in the scientific study of drugs and medicines and their use in treatment.
173. Photographer: An expert in the art of taking photographs on film or by digital
174. Physiologist: An expert in the systematic study of the normal functions of living things and the way in which the body of a
particular living being functions.
175. Physiotherapist: Person trained in the treatment of disease, injury or weakness in the joints or muscles through exercises,
massage, postural manipulations and the use of light, heat etc.
176. Pilot: The person, who flies, operates the controls of an aircraft.
177. Plumber: The person who specializes in the fitting and repair of waterpipes, water tanks, cisterns, drainage etc in a building.
178. Politician: The person who is well versed in the art and science of governance and public affairs.
179. Private Transporter: The person who provides vehicles such as taxies, buses for traveling and transport of goods.
180. Printing Technology: Various Technologies of printing items like books, invitation cards, visiting cards, booklets,
brochures, pamphlets, handbills, etc.
181. PRO: A Public Relation Officer specializes in presenting a good image of an organization, firm, government or person to the
public, especially through the selective dissemination of information and by developing channels of communications.
182. Producer: Person who produces a film, TV, radio, video or stage programme or shows etc.
183. Psephologist: Expert in the study of the way in which people vote in elections, especially by means of opinion polls.
184. Psychiatrist: Specialist in the study and treatment of mental abnormalities and illness.
185. Psychologist: One who makes the scientific study of the human mind and its functions.
186. Publication: The profession of publishing books, magazines, weeklies etc.
187. Quiz Master: A person who conducts a quiz or competition, especially on TV, radio or stage in which people answer
questions to test their knowledge, particularly general knowledge and current affairs.
188. Radio Astronomy: Astronomical study by means of radar; study of radio waves generated in space.
189. Radio Therapist: Expert in the treatment of diseases, especially cancer and other malignancies by radiation, such as X-rays.
190. Radiologist: A doctor specializing in the diagnostic use of X-rays, ultrasounds, magnetism or methods of imaging the
internal structure of the body.
191. Receptionist: Person employed to receive visitors or callers at a hotel, office, clinic or other establishment.
192. Sailor: Member of ship’s crew, especially one below the rank of officer.
193. Salesperson: The person whose job is to sell goods in shops or from door to door or by other means like telephones..
194. Sanitary Inspector: An official who checks hygienic conditions in shops, restaurants and other establishments.
195. Script Writer: The person who writes the actual dialogues called scripts for TV serials, cinema and documentaries or adapts
a novel or story for television, radio or cinema.
196. Security Systems: The profession of manufacturing various security equipments such as security alarms, sirens, metal
detectors etc.
197. Seismologist: Scientist who studies earthquakes and predicts their happening.
198. Sociologist: An expert in the scientific study of the nature and development of society and social behaviour.
199. Software Engineer: An Engineer who develops software that involves the systematic application of computer tools and
techniques to develop high quality, reliable and user-friendly applications and programs as well as system software.
Some Important Professions
200. Speech Therapist: Person trained to help people with speech problem.
201. Speleologist: A scientist who studies and explore caves, tunnels , etc.
202. Sports Editor: An editor in a newspaper or magazine who specializes in reporting of sports.
203. Stock Broker: Person who buys and sells stocks and shares for clients on a commission basis. or advises them
204. Surveyor: Person who surveys and values vehicles, buildings or other property, one who surveys land and terrain.
205. System Analyst: A computer professional who develops a programme, analyses the system and supervises how a company’s
computer software runs.
206. Tailor: The person who specializes in cutting and stitching outer garments, clothes etc.
207. Tax Consultant: The person who advises on how to save taxes within the framework of law.
208. Travel Agent: Person who makes arrangements for people wishing to travel e.g. buying tickets, making hotels and airline
reservations, giving them proper packages for leisure and vacations.
209. Umpire: Person appointed to see that the rules are observed particularly in sports and games and to settle disputes; a person
chosen to act as a judge between teams or groups.
210. Underwriter: Person or organization that underwrites (accept liability or gives guarantee ) insurance policies, especially for
ships, aircraft etc.
211. Valuer: A professional specializing in estimating the monetary value of a company, property, land jewellery, goods or other
212. Vastu Consultant: The person who gives advise on the relevance of various directions like east, west directions with respect
to residence and commercial buildings, based on ancient Indian principles of layout and constructions.
213. Veterinary Surgeon: A person skilled in the surgery and treatment of animal diseases and injuries.
214. Video Shooting: The profession of making a film by video camera, digital camera etc of various public functions such as a
marriage ceremony
215. Virologist: An expert in the scientific study of virus and viral disease.
216. VJ: Video Jockey – A person who acts as an anchor in television/ video shows.
217. Warehouse Man: Person who stores goods in a godown before they are sent to shops or other places for sale..
218. Warrant Officer: Non-commissioned officer of the highest grade in the army, air force or navy.
219. Welder: The person who specializes in joining two or more metal surfaces by raising the temperature at the joints by means
of external heat.
220. Wildlife Specialist: An expert in wildlife who helps implement measures for the conservation of wildlife.
221. Writer: Person whose job is to write books, stories, articles, essays, criticisms, commentaries and the like.
222. Yoga Teacher: The person who teaches the principles and practice of yoga., Hathyoga, Patanjali yoga etc.
223. Zoologist: An expert in the systematic and scientific study of the structure and functions, form and distribution of animal
List of Courses available after SSC
1. 11th (in Arts, Science, Science (Vocational), Commerce, MCVC, Home Science,
2. Diploma in Engineering (various disciplines – such as Electronics, Mechanical,
Electrical, Computers, Automobile etc.)
3. Diploma in Pharmacy
4. Certificate in Social Service
5. Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery
6. Diploma courses such as Interior Designing & Decoration, Stenography and Pvt.
Secretary Practice, Beauty Culture & Hair Dressing, Garment Technology &
7. B.F.A. (Applied Art) Bachelor in Fine Arts – 5 Years
8. B.F.A. (Music) – 5 Years
9. Vocational Courses in Fisheries – like Mate Fishing Vessel Course & Engine
Driver Fishing Vessel Course
10. Course in Tool & Die Making
11. Course in Printing Technology
12. Courses in Plastic Technology
13. Courses in Leather Technology
14. Courses in Poultry
15. Forest Ranger Courses
16. Diploma Course in Sanskrit, Pali & Prakrit
17. Diploma in Music (Karnataka Vocal Classical)
18. Pre-University course in Dance
19. Diploma in Dairy Management & Animal Husbandry
20. Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology
21. Diploma in Dairy Husbandry
22. Diploma in Farm Management & Animal Husbandry
23. Diploma in Accountancy
24. Student Pilot Licence
25. Certificate Course in Dramatics
26. Certificate Course in Applied Statistics
27. Certificate courses in Entrepreneurial Techniques
28. Vocational Course in ‘Railway Commercial’ by Railway Recruitment Board –
Entrance Exam. Two Years Job Linked Course after successful completion one is
appointed as Commercial Clerks, Ticket Collectors in the Indian Railways
29. Certificate course in Insurance, Management of Bank Funds
30. Store Keeping, Salesmanship & Advertising
31. Diploma in Food Technology
32. Applied Art
33. Art Teachers Diploma
34. Certificate Course in Building Supervision
35. Diploma in Secretarial Practice
36. Certificate in Film Acting
37. ITI Courses in various trades such as Fitter, Welder, Machinist, Stenographer etc.
38. Degree Course in Public Relations
39. Courses in Modeling
Options in Careers with Science
After Graduation with Science
Competitive Examinations Post Graduation/
Post Graduation/
Science Journalism
Sales Representatives
Research & Teaching
Lab. Assistants
Indian Engg. Services
Civil Services
Paramilitary Services
Forest Service
Fashion Design
Civil Aviation
Advanced Design
Combined Defence Service
Company Secretary,
Mass Communication,
Foreign Trade,
Film Technology,
Packaging Tech.
Physical/Biological Sciences
Marine Biology
Dietetics Nutrition
Child Development
Textile, Ecology
Biotech/ Genetics,
Statistics etc.
After 10+2
With Physics Chemistry Maths
Entrance Exams (common) Entrance Exam Technical Diplomas Admissions Directly
National Defence Academy
National Institute of Design
National Institute of Fashion
Bachelor of Business Studies
Law (5 years)
Foreign Languages (5 Years)
Film, Interior design
Engg. Degree 4 yrs (all
branches) & Integrated Degree
Courses (5 yrs),
Information Technology,
Merchant Navy,
Agricultural Engineering,
Dairy Technology,
B. Pharma
Diploma in Pharmacy,
Paints & Cosmetics
Tech., Interior
Designing, Plastic
Technology & other
diplomas in
Engineering Branch.
03 years degree
Courses in Physics.
Chemistry, Maths,
Economics, BCA
With Physics Chemistry Biology
Entrance Examinations Entrance Examinations Entrance Examinations Direct Admission
B. Pharma
Post Graduate Specialization
2-3 years – in India
Occupational Therapy
Speech Therapy
Lab. Technology
Agrucultural Sciences
Human Biology
Post Graduation
Bio Technology & Genetics
B.Sc. in
Home Science
Home Economics
Human Biology
Options in Careers
After 10+2
For Graduation Other Vocational Courses The Foundation Courses Entrance Examinations
Graduate degree courses
in pure & integrated
BCA if Passed 10+2 with
Computer Courses,
Diploma/ Certificate
courses in Art, Decoration
Education, Media secretarial
Courses C.A. (PE1)
Cost & works Accounts
Company Secretary
Hotel Management
Foreign Language, SAT Toefl,
Fine Art (BFA), B.A., B.Ed. (4
yrs) NDA (for boys)
After Graduation
Employment Opportunities After Graduate Professional Courses Competitive Exams
Airlines, Travel/
Tourism, Secretarial
Performing, Arts,
Advertising, Journalism
Banking, Defence,
Paramilitary, Protective
In all disciplines
Urban & regional
planning, Computing
Fine Arts, MSW,
M.Ed., International
Foreign languages, Hotel
Management, Fashion Merchandising,
Industrial Design
Museology, Jounalism/ Media
Adversting, Special Education
B.Ed.,Lib.Sc., Travel Tourism
Secretarial courses, Performing
arts, Insurance, Computing,
Medical Transcription, Marketing,
Law, Company Secretary
Civil Services,
Banking, Insurance
CDSE, Mass Com
Journalism, Advertising,
Film Studies
Drama & Theatre
Management (GRE)
After 10+2
For Graduation The Vocational Courses The Foundation Courses Entrance Examination
Graduate degree courses
In pure & integrated
Disciplines, BCA if
Passed 10+2 with Maths
Computer courses
Diploma/ courses
in education, Art
Media, Secretarial etc.
CA (PE1), Cost & Works
Accounts, Company
Hotel Management, BBS,
Foreign Language (5yrs)
SAT/ Toefl,Fine Art
Teaching (B.com, B.Ed.),
NDA (for boys)
After Graduation
Competitive Exams Professional Courses Post Graduate Studies Employment Opportunity
Civil Services,
Banking Services,
Combined Defence Services,
Air Force Accounts,
Mass Comm.
Film Studies,
Drama & Theatre,
Foreign Languages,
Hotel Management,
Fashion Merchandising,
Industrial Design,
Journalism/Media Studies,
Special Education,
Travel Tourism,
Performing Arts, Insurance,
Medical Transcription,
Company Secretary
Operations Research Business Economics,
International Studies
International Trade,
International Studies
MA Operations
Financial Analysts,
Mass Comm.
Exec. (Mgmt./Fin)
Performing arts,
Defence & Protective Services
Subjects available for graduation in science
(The following is a list of subjects in which one can do graduation after 12th. Nomenclatures differ from university to university. Subjects can be generally offered in combination or sometimes individually. Sometimes B.A. degrees are given eg. B.A. (Mathematics). Students should make enquiries from universities.)
1. Accommodation Management
2. Accountancy
3. Actuarial Science
4. Agricultural Microbiology
5. Agriculture
6. Agro Chemicals and Fertilizers
7. Agro Chemicals and Pest Control
8. Analytical Chemistry
9. Analytical Method of Chemistry
10. Anatomy
11. Animal Husbandry and Poultry
12. Animal Physiology
13. Anthropology
14. Apiculture
15. Applied Biology
16. Applied Chemistry
17. Applied Geology
18. Applied Nutrition
19. Applied Nutrition & Public Health
20. Applied Science
21. Applied Zoology
22. Astronomy
23. Astrophysics
24. Bacteriology
25. Biochemistry
26. Bio-Geography
27. Biology
28. Bio-Medical
29. Biometry
30. Bio-Sciences
31. Bio-Statistics
32. Biotechnology
33. Botany
34. Cartography
35. Catering Technology and Hotel Management
36. Chemical Technology
37. Chemistry
38. Chemistry (Industrial)
39. Child Care
40. Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
41. Computer Application
42. Computer Science
43. Computer Technology
44. Criminology
45. Crop Physiology
46. Dairy Chemistry
47. Dairy Science
48. Dairy Technologies
49. Defence Studies
50. Drugs
51. Dyes & Drugs
52. Earth Science
53. Ecology
54. Economics
55. Education
56. Education Extension
57. Electronics
58. Electronics & Communication
59. Energy Management/ Science
60. Entomology
61. Environmental Biology
62. Environmental Geography
63. Environmental Science
64. Environmental Zoology
65. Euthenics
66. Experimental Psychology
67. Family & Child Welfare
68. Family & Living Science
69. Farm Management
70. Fine Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals
71. Finite Mathematics
72. Fisheries
73. Food & Nutrition
74. Food Preservation
75. Food Science
76. Food Technology
77. Forestry
78. Fruit Preservation
79. Futurology
80. General Science
Subjects available for graduation in science
81. Genetics
82. Geochemistry
83. Geography
84. Geology
85. Geophysics
86. Health Care & Hospital Management
87. History of Science
88. Home Economics
89. Home Science
90. Horticulture
91. Hotel Management & Catering
92. Household Art
93. Human Anatomy
94. Human Biology
95. Human Ecology
96. Human Genetics
97. Human Nutrition
98. Hydraulics
99. Hygiene & Public Health
100. Industrial Chemistry
101. Industrial Electronics
102. Industrial Microbiology
103. Information Technology & Application
104. Instrumentation
105. Interior Design & Decoration
106. Laboratory Technique
107. Leather Science
108. Library & Information Science
109. Life Sciences
110. Livestock and Leather
111. Marine Biology
112. Marine Geology
113. Marine Science
114. Marine Zoology
115. Mass Com & Publication Design
116. Material Science
117. Mathematical Economics
118. Mathematical Statistics
119. Mathematics
120. Mathematics & Physics
121. Mathematics (Applied)
122. Mathematics (Numerical)
123. Mathematics (Pure)
124. Medical Lab Tech
125. Medical Science
126. Medical Technology
127. Meteorology
128. Microbiology
129. Military Science/Studies
130. Mineral Beneficiation
131. Mineralogy
132. Mining
133. Minor Forest
134. Mobility Science
135. Molecular Biology
136. Mycology
137. Nursing
138. Nutrition & Dietetics
139. Nutrition & Health Education
140. Oil Paints
141. Operation Research
142. Ophthalmic Technique
143. Optical Instrumentation
144. Parasitology
145. Pathology
146. Pest Control
147. Petrochemicals
148. Pharmacology
149. Pharmacy
150. Photography
151. Physical Anthropology
152. Physical Education/Health Education
153. Physical Sciences
154. Physics
155. Physics & Mathematics
156. Physiology
157. Physiology
158. Pisciculture
159. Plant Pathology
160. Plant Protection & Horticulture
161. Plant Protection/Plant Physiology
162. Pollution
163. Polymer Science
164. Polymers
165. Population Education
166. Poultry Science
167. Production Science
168. Psychology
169. Pulp & Paper Science
170. Radiation
171. Radio Imaging Technology
172. Refrigeration
173. Remote Sensing
Subjects available for graduation in science
174. Rural Development
175. Rural Economics & Co-operation
176. Rural Technology
177. Sculpture
178. Seed Technology
179. Sericulture
180. Social Science
181. Sociology
182. Soil Science
183. Space Science
184. Speech & Hearing
185. Statistical Quality Control
186. Statistical Techniques
187. Statistics
188. Statistics (Applied)
189. Sugar Technology
190. Tailoring
191. Temple Architecture
192. Textile Chemistry
193. Textile Tech
194. Vacuum Techniques
195. Varnishes, Soaps & Synthetics
196. Vegetable Cultivation
197. Virology
198. Visual Communication
199. Water Tech & Management
200. Zoology
Subjects Available for Graduation in Arts & Humanities
1. Accommodation Management
2. Accounting
3. Accountancy
4. Actuarial Science
5. Administrative Law
6. Adult Education
7. Advertising & Sales Mgt.
8. Aesthetics
9. Agriculture & Animal Husb.
10. Agricultural Marketing
11. Analytical Tools
12. Ancient History
13. Archaeology & Culture
14. Ancient Indian Culture
15. Ancient Indian History
16. Ancient World History
17. Anthropology
18. Applied Art
19. Applied Nutrition
20. Arabic
21. Arab Culture
22. Archaeology
23. Ardhmagadhi
24. Area Studies
25. Arya Sidhanta
26. Arts
27. Art (History of Art)
28. Asian Culture
29. Asian Language & Literature
30. Assamese
31. Astronomy
32. Avesta Pahlavi
33. Avadhi
34. Bakery
35. Bank Management
36. Banking
37. Bengali
38. Bhajana
39. Bharata Natyam
40. Bhasa Lekhan
41. Bhojpuri
42. Biochemistry
43. Biology
44. Bodo
45. Book Keeping & Accountancy
46. Book Publishing
47. Botany
48. Burmese
49. Business
50. Business Administration
51. Business Management
52. Business Communication
53. Business Organization
54. Dharmashastra
55. Dramatics
56. Drawing & Painting
57. Dress Making & Fashion Cord
58. Ecology
59. Econometrics
60. Economics
61. Economics & Rural Development
62. Education
63. Elements of Maths & Stat
64. Elements of Eco & Stat
65. Elements of Law
66. English
67. English (Comm. Skills)
68. Enterpreneurial Development
69. Enterpren. & Small Business
70. Environmental Economics
71. Environmental Studies
72. European Language
73. Experimental Psychology
74. Export Procedure & Documentation
75. Family Relations
76. Family Resources Management
77. Fashion Design & Merchadsn
78. Feature Writing
79. Film Studies
80. Finance
81. First Aid
82. Food & Nutrition
83. Foreign Trade Practice
84. Freedom Movement & NI
85. Foundation Course
86. Fine Arts
87. Folklore
88. Folk Music
89. French
90. Fruit Preservation
91. Functional English
92. Functional Hindi
Subjects Available for Graduation in Arts & Humanities
93. Functional Sanskrit
94. Garo
95. Gandhiji’s Life
96. Gandhian Thought
97. General Awareness
98. General Foundation
99. General Science
100. General Psychology
101. Geography
102. Geology
103. Geography of Maharashtra
104. German
105. Greek
106. Industrial Relations Including Trade Unionism
107. Information Technology
108. Interior Decoration
109. International Economics
110. Instrumental Music
111. Islamic Culture
112. Islamic History
113. Islamic History & Culture
114. Islamic Studies
115. Italian
116. Investment Analysis
117. Japanese
118. Jainology
119. Jainism
120. Journalism
121. Jyotisha
122. Kavya (Poetics)
123. Kanarese
124. Kannada
125. Karnataka Music
126. Kathakali
127. Kashmiri
128. Khasi
129. Konkani
130. Korean
131. Kuchipudi Dance
132. Labour & Social Welfare
133. Labour Welfare
134. Land & People of Rajasthan
135. Language Skills
136. Language Teaching
137. Latin
138. Kaw
139. Lexicography
140. Library Science
141. Life Science
142. Linguistics
143. Live Stock & Dairy
144. Live Stock & Leather
145. Local Self Government
146. Logic
147. Logic & Methodology of Science
148. Maithili
149. Malayalam
150. Management
151. Manipuri
152. Marathi
153. Marketing
154. Marketing Management
155. Managerial Economics
156. Market Research Techniques
157. Psychology (Experimental)
158. Public Health & Sanitation
159. Punjabi
160. Punjabi History & Culture
161. Punjabi Literature
162. Public Administration
163. Public Relations
164. Quantitative Methods/Techniques
165. Rabindra Sangeet
166. Rajasthani
167. Religion
168. Religious Studies
169. Regional Planning
170. Regional Studies of North-East India
171. Rural Development
172. Rural Development & Cooperation
173. Rural Development & Extension
174. Rural Banking
175. Rural Economics
176. Rural Industrialization
177. Rural Fine Arts
178. Rural Reconstruction & Village Development
179. Rural Marketing
180. Rural Service
181. Rural Society
182. Rural Studies
183. Russian
184. Sales Promotion
185. Sanskrit
186. Sangitha Bhushana
Subjects Available for Graduation in Arts & Humanities
187. Santhali
188. Science & Civilization
189. Science Technology & Development
190. Script Writing
191. Sculpture
192. Secretarial Practice
193. Sindhi
194. Sinhalese
195. Social Awareness & Personality Development
196. Social & Cultural History of India
197. Social & Political Philosophy
198. Social Journalism
199. Social Psychology
200. Social Work
201. Social Science
202. Sociology
203. Social Study
204. Social Welfare Administration
205. Social Work & Social Welfare
206. South East Asian Studies
207. Spanish
208. Surya Siddhanta
209. Sraut Shastra (Vedic Rituals)
210. Dance
211. Design
212. Drama
213. Drawing & Painting
214. Dress Making & Fashion Co-ordination
215. Fine Arts
216. Fine Arts & Crafts
217. Graphic Arts
218. Music
219. Painting
220. Photography
221. Plastic Arts
222. Pottery/Pottery Design
223. Print Making
224. Sculpture
225. Sitar
226. Tabla
227. Tortile Design
228. Textile Design
229. Visual Arts
230. Visual Communication
231. Wood Craft
232. Business Correspondence
233. Business Data & Processing
234. Business & Office Practice
235. Business Statistics
236. Catering
237. Cartography
238. Chemistry
239. Child Care & Training
240. Child Development
241. Child Psychology & Guidance
242. Child Welfare
243. Civil Defence
244. Chinese
245. Christian Rites
246. Cinema Appreciation
247. Classical Language
248. Clay Modeling
249. Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics
250. Clothing & Textiles
251. Commerce
252. Commercial Art
253. Commercial Geography
254. Communication & Journalism
255. Community Development
256. Community & Rural Development
257. Community Development & Extension
258. Comparative Literature
259. Comparative Study in Buddhism
260. Comparative Religion
261. Computer Applications
262. Computer Programming
263. Computerised Data Collection
264. Computer Secretaryship
265. Counselling & Guidance
266. Criminology
267. Cultural Anthropology
268. Cultural Dynamics
269. Cultural Psychology
270. Civilization
271. Culture & Religion
272. Dance
273. Data Processing
274. Defence Management
275. Defence Studies
276. Demography
277. Designing & Painting
278. Development Administration
279. Diet Therapy
280. Dogri
Subjects Available for Graduation in Arts & Humanities
281. Domestic Science
282. Dialectology
283. Drama
284. Gujrati
285. Handlooms & Handicrafts
286. Health & Physical Education
287. Hebrew
288. Hindi
289. Himachal Pradesh History
290. Hindu Religious Study
291. History
292. History (Modern & Medieval)
293. History of Architecture
294. History of Art & Culture
295. History & Culture of Adivasis
296. History & Culture of Punjab
297. History of Civilization
298. History of Kerala
299. History of Freedom Movement of India
300. History of Gujrat
301. History of Literature
302. History of Science
303. History of Social Reforms in Maharashtra
304. History of Vedic & Classical Sanskrit Litt.
305. History of World
306. Home Economics
307. Home Management
308. Home Nursing
309. Home Science
310. Horticulture & Landscaping
311. Hotel Management
312. Household Art
313. Human Anatomy
314. Humanities
315. Human Ecology
316. Human Environments
317. Human Resource Management
318. Human Rights
319. Indian Classical Dance
320. Indian Culture
321. Indian Cultural Philosophy
322. Indian Heritage & Civilization
323. Indian History & Indian Art
324. Indian Music
325. Indian & Oriental Culture
326. Indian Philosophy & Religion
327. Indian Philosophy
328. Indology
329. Indian Society & Culture
330. Industrial Organisation
331. Industrial Relations
332. Industrial Relations & Personnel Management
333. Instrumental Music
334. Insurance
335. Mass Communication
336. Mass Communication & Journalism
337. Mathematical Modeling in Economics
338. Mathematical Statistics
339. Mathematics
340. Mathematics (Applied)
341. Mathematics (Industrial)
342. Mathematics (Pure)
343. Medieval & Modern History
344. Mental & Moral Philosophy
345. Microbiology
346. Mizo
347. Military Science/Studies
348. Modern Armenian
349. Modern Arabic
350. Modern European Language
351. Modern Government
352. Modern India Language
353. Modern Tibetan
354. Music
355. Money & Banking
356. Musiology
357. Music Appreciation
358. Music & Fine Arts
359. Museum & Tourism
360. Nepali
361. Nutrition & Dietetics
362. Nutrition & Health Education
363. Office Correspondence
364. Office Management
365. Office Management & Secretarial Practice
366. Oriental Culture
367. Oriental Learning/ Title
368. Oriya
369. Painting
370. Painting & Sculpture
371. Pali
372. Panchayati Raj
373. Persian
374. Persian
Subjects Available for Graduation in Arts & Humanities
375. Philosophy
376. Physical Education
377. Physics
378. Physiology
379. Political Science
380. Population Education/Studies
381. Principles & Practice of Insurance
382. Portuguese
383. Prakrit
384. Psychology
385. Statistical Methods
386. Statistics
387. Statistics (Applied)
388. Swine Production
389. Syriac
390. System Analysis
391. Tabla
392. Tailoring & History
393. Tamil
394. Telugu
395. Temple Worship & Management
396. Tenyidie
397. Translation
398. Theatre
399. Tibetan
400. Trade Unionism & Labour Welfare
401. Textile Designing
402. Textile Dyeing & Printing
403. Tourism & Hotel Management
404. Transactional Analysis
405. Travel & Tourism
406. Tribal & Harijan Welfare
407. Tribal Welfare
408. Turkish
409. Urdu
410. Urban Studies
411. Vedic Literature
412. Village Industries
413. Visual Arts
414. Vocal Music
415. Vocational Studies
416. West Asian Studies
417. Western Music
418. Women’s Studies
419. Work & Thought
420. World History
421. Writing For Radio
422. Yoga
423. Yogic Science
424. Zoology
Subjects Available in BFA /BA (Fine Arts)
1. Applied Arts
2. Art Design
3. Applied Design
4. Applied Painting
5. Arts History
6. Arts Education
7. Bamboo & Cane Work
8. Commercial Art
9. Clay Modeling
10. Ceramics Design
Some Specialized B.A. Courses
1. BA (Applied)
2. BA (Languages)
3. BA (Rural Services)
4. BA (Special)
5. BA (Vocational)
6. BA (Cooperation)
7. BCD (Bachelor of Civil Defence)
8. BD (Bachelor of Dramatics)
9. BDA (Bachelor of Development Administration)
10. BCS (Bachelor of Computer Secretaryship)
11. BDS (Bachelor in Development Studies)
12. BDes (Bachelor of Design)
13. BA (Journalism)
14. BCJ (Bachelor of Communication Journalism)
15. BMus (Bachelor of Music)
16. BLitt/ BOL (Bachelor of Literature)
17. BMC (Bachelor of Mass Communication)
18. BLIT (Bachelor of Lib & Information
19. BVA (Bachelor of Visual Arts)
Competitive Exams For Further Studies After 12th
Exam Schedule
Name of the course Month of Exam
IIT/JEE Screening Test (including Roorkee IIT, ISM, BHU, Dec/Jan
Marine Engineering (MERI) Kolkata & B.Sc. Nautical Science
Degree at T.S. Chanakya, Navi Mumbai)
Shipping Corporation of India Ltd., Trainee Navigation Officers January
National Institute of Fashion Tech. (NIFT) for 6 Centres, New Delhi, February
Gandhi Nagger, Mumbai, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Chennai
Welcome Group graduates School of Hotel Administration, Manipal, June
Bachelors Degree in Hotel Management
UPSC, NDA/NA Examination Twice a Year Apr/May, Oct/Nov
Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi Commercial Pilots Licence
(CPL) Course April
Institute of Management Studies, Ghaziabad, Bachelor of Business
Management April
Hotel Management, Joint Entrance Exam for 19 Colleges for 3 years
Diploma Course April
Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Examination IIT/JEE
1) Screen Test Dec/Jan
2) Main Test May
CBSE PMT (MBBS/BDS) Exam April/May
Armed Forces Medical Colleges, Pune for MBBS Entrance May
Institute of Advanced Management, Hotel Management College,
Kolkata (3 years Diploma Course)
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata,
3 years B. Statistics (Hons.) with stipend if selected May
P.S. Kindly look out for advertisements in ‘Employment News’ and other National Dailies
for dates of examinations, procedure for form submissions etc.
Veterinary College All India Entrance Exam
(Council of India 5% seats in Veterinary Colleges) May
Central Leather Research Institute, Adyar, Chennai
a) Certificate Course in Footwear/Leather Goods/& Leather Garments
b) Certificate courses in Tanning, Wet-finishing, Finishing
c) Diploma Courses in Leather Goods/Leather Garments May
University of Delhi (Faculty of Technology),
Combined Entrance Exam (CEE) May
Mahatma Gandhi Institutional Medical Sciences, Wardha
MBBS Course & Rehabilitation May/June
MBBS/B. Pharma BHU All India Combined Competitive
Written Entrance Test (PMT/PAT) Varanasi June
All India Common Entrance Exam for Admission to Agriculture
& Allied Subjects including Veterinary Sciences May/June
Special Class Railway Apprentices Exam June
Mumbai University, BMS (Bachelor of Management Studies) May
Indian Navy’s Naval College of Engineering (Pune) SSB July/August
Fashion Apparel Designing,
Maharshi Karve Street, Shikshan Sanstha, Pune
School of Fashion Technology (In Colaboration with NIFT, Delhi) June
Bachelor of Hospital Administration (BHA)
3 years after 12th from International Institute of
Professional Studies, Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P.) April/May
Competitive Exams For Jobs After 10th / 12th
1. Combined Preliminary & Mains For Posts SSC Level Posts: Staff Selection Commission
2. NDA & Naval Academy Exams For Admissions to the Army, Navy and The Air Force
Wings after 10+2
3. Technical Entry Scheme for men after 10+2 (with PCM)
4. Exam for recruitment of Soldier Tradesman (for non matric)
5. Exam for recruitment of Junior Commissioned Officers (Catering) after 10+2 (1 Yr
cookery diploma/certificate from recognized craft institute essential)
6. Exams for recruitment of Soldiers:
P.S. Kindly look out for advertisements in ‘Employment News’ and other National Dailies for dates of examinations, procedure for form submissions etc.
a. General Duty: 10+2
b. Technical
c. Nursing Assistant: 10+2(with Biology)
d. Clerical: SSC with English, Maths & Science
7. Exam for recruitment as Lady Constable after SSC
8. Exam for recruitment as Sailors in Indian Navy
9. Exam for Cadet Entry scheme after 10+2 in Indian Navy
10. Exam for recruitment to Matric entry for trades in Seamen, Engineering/ Electrical, Medical and Logistics
11. Exam for recruitment as Artificer Apprentice in Indian Navy for Matric
12. IIT-JEE exam for with separate applications to the Directorate General of Shipping for admission to Marine Engineering and Research Institute (Merchant Navy)
13. Exam for recruitment of apprentices (civilian) for after SSC
14. Exam for recruitment of Naviks in the Indian Coast Guard after SSC
15. Exam for recruitment of Airmen Technical & Non-Technical Trades After SSC
16. Exam for recruitment of Driver Mechanical Transport Trade after SSC
17. Exam for recruitment of Sub Inspector (Stenographer) and Asst. Sub Inspector
(Ministerial) in CRPF after 10+2
18. Exam for recruitment of Sub Inspector (Clerk) in CRPF after 10+2
19. Exam for recruitment of Asst. Sub Inspector (Clerk) in BSF after 10+2
20. Exams for recruitment in banks after 10/10+2 & above
21. Special Class Railway Apprentices Examination after 10+2 in Science
22. Exams for recruitment in Railways to the non technical cadre after 10/10+2
23. Exams for teaching jobs in Railways after 10+2 and above (with other essential
24. Exams for jobs in Medical cadre jobs in Railways after 10+2 and above (with other
essential qualifications)
25. Exams for recruitment in Railways to the technical cadre after 10/10+2 (with ITI/ Diploma
in Engineering/ Degree and other essential qualifications)
26. Exams for Personal Assistant Grade in the Intelligence Bureau after 10/10+2 and above (with other essential qualifications)
27. Exams for jobs in Life Insurance Corporation after 10+2 and above (with other essential qualifications)
28. Exams for recruitment Junior Assistants through Staff Selection Commission after 10+2 (Science) and above (with other essential qualifications)
29. Exams for recruitment of Sorter and Group Staff after 10/10+2 and above (with other essential qualifications)
30. Exams for recruitment of lower division clerks at I.C.A.R. after 10+2 and above (with other essential qualifications)
P.S. Kindly look out for advertisements in ‘Employment News’ and other National Dailies for dates of examinations, procedure for form submissions etc.
Competitive Examinations
1) Civil Services Examination (Any Graduate)
All India Services:
Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
Indian Police Service (IPS)
Indian Forest Service (IFS)
Group ‘A’ Services:
Indian P & T Accounts and Finance Service
Indian Audit and Accounts Service
Indian Customs and Central Excise Service
Indian Defence Accounts Service
Indian Revenue Service
Indian Ordnance Factories Service (Asstt. Manager-Non-Technical)
Indian Postal Service
Indian Civil Accounts Service
Indian Railway Traffic Service
Indian Railway Accounts Service
Indian Railway Personal Service
Posts of Assistant Security Officer in Railway Protection Force
Indian Defence Estates Service
Indian Information Service (Junior Grade)
Central Trade Service (Grade III)
Posts of Assistant Commandant in the Central Industrial Security Force
Group ‘B’ Services:
Central Secretariat Service (Section Officer’s Grade)
Railway Board Secretariat Service (Section Officer’s Grade)
Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service (Asstt. Civilian Staff Officers Grade)
Customs Appraisers Service
Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands Civil Service
Delhi and Andaman & Nicobar Islands Police Service
Posts of Deputy Superintendent of Police in the Central Bureau of Investigation
Pondicherry Civil Service
Pondicherry Police Service
2. Indian Economic Service Examination (Degree with Economics/Statistics)
3. Indian Statistical Service Examination (Degree with Statistics/Mathematics/Economics)
P.S. Kindly look out for advertisements in ‘Employment News’ and other National Dailies for dates of examinations, procedure for form submissions etc.
P.S. Kindly look out for advertisements in ‘Employment News’ and other National Dailies for dates of examinations, procedure for form submissions etc.
4. Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE)
5. National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination
6. Combined Medical Services Examination
7. Engineering Services Examinations (After Graduation in Engineering)
8. Geologists Exams (after Masters degree in Geology)
9. Staff Selections for different Cadres
10. Exam for recruitment of Dy. Superintendent of Police/ Company
Commander/Asst.Commandant / in CRPF/BSF/Indo-Tibetan Border Police
11. Exam for different posts through Reserve Bank of India Services Board
12. Exam for Probationary Officers and others through Central Recruitment Board
13. Exam for Probationary Officers and others through Banking Service Recruitment Board
14. Exam for Development Officers and others through National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
15. Exam for Telecom Officers in the Department of Telecommunications
Maharashtra Public Service Commission
1. State Civil Services Examination
2. Engineering Examinations
3. Agricultural Services Examinations
4. Assistant (Secretariat) & Sales Tax Inspectors Examination
5. Forest Services Examination (Asst. Conservator of Forests)
6. Range Forest Officers Examination
7. Police Sub-Inspectors (unarmed) Examination
8. Asst. Inspector of Motor Vehicles Examination
9. Clerical and Typists Examination
10. Stenographers Examination
1 www.seagullindia.com A Site On Contemporary Art And Culture
2 www.educationinfoindia.com A To Z Colleges And Schools In India
3 www.aajivika.com Aajivika Guidance, Counseling & Training
4 www.tncolleges.com About Colleges In Tamil Nadu A Useful Edutainment Site
For Indian Students
5 www.academics-india.com Academics-India - Information Website For Higher
Education in India
6 www.aftt.8m.com Academy Of Fashion And Textile Technology
7 www.ametindia.com Academy of Maritime Education and Training
8 www.ametindia.com Academy Of Maritime Education And Training (Amet)
9 www.educationcare.com Admission Assistance & Career Counseling
10 www.fluentzy.com Adult Faculties (For English Fluency)
11 www.aiims.edu AIIMS, New Delhi
12 www.aakashinstitute.com Akash Institute for IIT & PMT Coaching
13 www.agu.co.ae Al Ghurair University
14 www.auce.8m.com Alagappa University College Of Education
15 www.al-ameen.com Al-Ameen Arts, Science & Commerce College, Bangalore
16 www.alameenpharmacy.edu Alameen College Of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Education
17 www.amu.nic.in Aligarh Muslim University (Amu)
18 www.gadnet.com All India Academic Index
19 www.aicte.com All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE)
20 www.aiimas.com All India Institute of Management Studies
21 www.pugmarks.com All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (Aiims)
22 www.aima-ind.org All India Management Association (AIMA)
23 www.allduniv.edu/hrdm Allahabad University
24 www.allianceba.org Alliance Business Academy, Bangalore
25 www.amigs.com American Institute Of General Studies :
26 www.amity.edu Amity Business School
27 www.iexamsindia.com An Education And Career Portal
28 www.analytical-science.com Analytical Sciences And Instruments Limited
29 www.annauniv.edu/ptme.html Anna University, Chennai
30 www.ansalinstitute.org Ansal Institute of Technology
31 www.aftercampus.com Anything And Everything On Education In India
32 www.aitpune.tripod.com Army Institute Of Technology
33 ww.apu.ac.jp Asia Pacific University
34 www.asiapacific.edu Asia Pacific University of Management
35 www.aaft.com Asian Academy of Film & TV
36 www.aaft.com Asian Academy Of Film And Television
37 www.aec.educations.net Assam Engineering College, Guwahati
38 www.atma-aims.org Association of Indian Management Schools
39 www.aiuweb.org Association of Indian Universities
40 www.aurura.ac.in Aurora’s Degree College, Hyderabad
41 www.aei-india.org Australian Education International - India
42 www.zenindia.com Aviation Ground School
43 www.ayuherbal.com Ayurvedic Education In India
44 www.bbdnitm.edu B.B.D. National Institute of Technology & Management
45 www.badruka.com Badruka College, Hyderabad
46 www.bhu.ac.in Banaras Hindu University
47 www.banasthali.org Banasthali Vidyapith, Rajasthan
48 www.bangaloreeducation.com Bangalore Education, Schools, Colleges, Results,
49 www.bubhopal.org Barkatullah University
50 www.multiplegroup.com Bengal Institute of Hotel MAnagement
51 www.bdu.ernet.in Bharathidasan University
52 www.bdu.ernet.in Bharathidasan University
53 www.visitweb.com Bhartiya Gyanpith Ujjain
54 www.bio-campus.com Bio Campus (For Bio Informatics Education)
55 www.cato.com Biotechnology Information Directory - Education
56 www.bimtechindia.org Birla Institute of Management Technology, New Delhi
57 www.bits-pilani.ac.in Birla Institute of Science & Technology, Pilani
58 www.bitbisplacement.com Bit-Bis Placement, University Of Delhi
59 www.bmccpune@pn3.vsnl.net.in BM College of Commerce, Pune
60 www.britishcouncil.org/india British Council
61 www.bundelkhanduniversity.com Bundelkhand University, Jhansi
62 www.indiaBSchools.com Business Schools Rating in India
63 www.careerlauncher.com Career Launcher
64 www.careerindia.com Career Portal
65 www.liveindia.com Career Prospects In Computers
66 www.indiancareers.com Careers in India
67 www.cbseindia.org Central Board Of Secondary Education (Cbse)
68 www.angelfire.com Centre For Biotechnology
69 www.ccmbindia.org Centre For Cellular And Molecular Biology (Ccmb)
70 www.cdacindia.com Centre for Development of Advance Computing (C-DAC)
71 www.eco-web.com Centre For Environment Education (Cee), India
72 www.t.soka.ac.jp Chemical Education In India
73 www.smi.ernet.in Chennai Mathematical Institute
74 www.cssmmarine.com Chennai School of Ship Management, Chennai
75 www.christcollege.edu Christ College, Bangalore
76 www.citycoll@cal3.vsnl.net.in City College, Calcutta
77 www.civilservicestimes.org Civil Services Times (For IAS Coaching)
78 www.vellorecmc.org CMC, Vellore
79 www.cmrims-india.org CMR Institute of Management Studies
80 www.corvc@rurkiu.ernet.in College of Engineering, Roorkee
81 www.mpuat.ac.in College of Tech & Engineering, Udaipur
82 www.karnataka.com Colleges In Karnataka
83 www.compufield.net Compufield Software Programming Institute-India :
84 www.career4computers.com Computer Career, Counsellor And Education Portal
85 www.cpreec.org Cp.Ramaswamy Environmental Education Centre
86 www.dypp.edu D.Y.Patil Women College of Engineering, Pune
87 www.databaseindia.com Data Base Of India: Information About Indian Education
88 www.dayanandsagar.edu Dayanand Sagar Institutions, Bangalore
89 www.openlearningworld.com Degrees On Net
90 www.ditddun.com Dehradun Institute of Technology
91 www.dce.edu Delhi College of Engineering
92 www.dschol.org Delhi School Of Economics
93 www.duhelp.faithweb.com Delhi University Help
94 www.commdsedu.org Deptt. Of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics
95 www.123india.com Details of educational Centres in India
96 www.mp.nic.in Directorate Of Technical Education, Mp India
97 www.rekha.com Directory Of Links On India
98 www.doe.gov.in DOEACC Society, New Delhi
99 www.doeacc.org.in DOEACC Society, New Delhi
100 www.ysparmaruniversity.org Dr. Y.S.Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry
101 www.dte.org.in DTE, Maharashtra
102 www.studentservice.com Education
103 www.tradepartners.gov.uk Education - India - Opportunities
104 www.careerconnex.com Education Abroad
105 www.infomasala.com Education And Career Guide
106 www.vidyarthy.com Education and Career Information
107 www.exam-ta.ac.uk Education And Training Academy
108 www.placementindia.com Education House - Placement India
109 www.madhyabharat.com Education In Madhya Pradesh
110 www.rajasthaneducation.com Education in Rajasthan
111 www.planetgyan.com Educational Site Catering To One And All :A Education
112 www.empiindia.com EMPI Business School
113 www.ecotradeonline.com Environmental Education And Jobs In India
114 www.eis.ernet.in ERNET India
115 www.fms.edu Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi
116 www.ferguson.edu Ferguson College, Pune
117 www.fitjee.com Fit JEE
118 www.mumbaiclasses.com For Classes In Mumbai
119 www.foreign-study.com Foreign Study Guide To Study Abroad
120 www.foresters.org Forest Education In India
121 www.gardencitycollege.org Garden City College of Sc & Management Studies,
122 www.ggsipu.nic.in GGSIP University
123 www.jamboreeindia.com GMAT, GRE, SAT coaching
124 www.public.iastate.edu Haryana Agricultural University
125 www.10minuteresume.com Help for Your Resume Writing
126 www.provenresumes.com Help for Your Resume Writing
127 www.resume.com Help for Your Resume Writing
128 www.resumezapper.com Help for Your Resume Writing
129 www.indiaparenting.com Help Line for Parents
130 www.askmeyourproblem.com Help Line for Students
131 www.expage.com Help Line for Students
132 www.helpteens.com Help Line for Students
133 www.france-in-india.org Higher Education In France
134 www.hindustancollege.com Hindustan College of Engineering, Chennai
135 www.hmhiec.com HMH Education Consultant
136 www.classicalhomeopathy.com Homeopathy: Homoeopathy India Foundation Website For
Information ...
137 www.ihmbangalore.com Hotel Management
138 www.ibsindia.org Icfain Business School
139 www.icmr.nic.in ICMR Institute
140 www.icodeindia.org ICODE Institute
141 www.educomp.com Ignou's Tele Learning Center For Allahabad
142 www.iilm.edu IILM, New Delhi
143 www.iitb.ernet.in IIT Bombay
144 www.iitg.ernet.in IIT Guwahati
145 www.iitkgp.ernet.in IIT Kharagpur
146 www.iitb.ernet.in IIT, Bombay
147 www.iitd.ernet.in IIT, Delhi
148 www.iitk.ac.in IIT, Kanpur
149 www.iitkgp.ernet.in IIT, Kharagpur
150 www.iitm.ac.in IIT, Madras
151 www.iit-jee.8m.com IIT-Jee Guide
152 www.ilslaw.edu ILS Law College, Pune
153 www.imagoindia.com Imago Acting School
154 www.oit.doe.gov India: Education And Training
155 www.diamondinstitute.ac.in Indian Diamond Institute
156 www.iibm.org Indian Institute Of Business Management
157 www.iict-edu.com Indian Institute Of Commerce And Trade (Iict) , Lucknow
158 www.iif.edu Indian Institute of Finance
159 www.iif.edu Indian Institute Of Finance
160 www.iihmc.aiol.com Indian Institute of Hotel Management & Catering
161 www.iiit-b.org Indian Institute Of Information Technology
162 www.iiitm.ac.in Indian Institute of Information Technology& Management,
163 www.iiit.net.ac.in Indian Institute Of Information Technology (Iiit),
164 www.iita.com Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad
165 www.iiitb.ac.in Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore
166 www.iijnm.org Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media, Bangalore
167 www.iimahd.ernet.in Indian Institute Of Management (Iim), Ahmadabad
168 www.iimb.ernet.in Indian Institute Of Management (Iim), Bangalore
169 www.iimcal.ac.in Indian Institute Of Management (Iim), Calcutta
170 www.iimk.org Indian Institute Of Management (Iim), Kozhikode
171 www.iiml.ac.in Indian Institute Of Management (Iim), Lucknow
172 www.iimidr.ac.in Indian Institute of Management, Indore
173 www.iimc.ac.in Indian Institute of Mass Communication
174 www.iipm.edu Indian Institute of Planning & Management (IIPM)
175 www.iisc.ernet.in Indian Institute Of Science (Iis), Bangalore
176 www.iisc.ernet.in. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
177 www.cisce.org Indian School Certificate Examination
178 www.pratiyogitaindia.com Indian Site For The Competitive Exams
179 www.ignou.org Indira Gandhi National Open University
180 www.ignou.com Indira Gandhi National Open University
181 www.inderprastha.com Indraprastha Engineering College, Gaziabad
182 www.britannica.co.in Information about careers
183 www.campuscloseup.com Information about careers and centres
184 www.careertips.com Information about Universities And Colleges In India
185 www.infy.com Infosys
186 www.idsa-india.org Institute For Defence Studies And Analyses, New Delhi
187 www.iam-cal.net Institute of Advance Management
188 www.ibmr.org Institute of Business Management & Research
189 www.ibmr.org Institute of Business Management & Research, Pune
190 www.icai.org Institute Of Chartered Accountants Of India (Ica)
191 www.universityofmadras-ice.ac.in Institute of Correspondence, University of Madras
192 www.indrdelhi.com Institute of Management Development & Research
193 www.srmscet.edu Institute of Management Sciences, Bareilly
194 www.imsddun.com Institute of Management Studies, Dehradun
195 www.imt.edu/dlp Institute of Management Technology, Gaziabad
196 www.immindia.com Institute of Marketing Management
197 www.imtech.res.in Institute of Microbial Technology
198 www.iwst.res.in Institute Of Wood Science And Technology (Iwst),
199 www.iiseindia.com International Institute for Special Education, Lucknow
200 www.iiit.net International Institute of Information Technology,
201 www.itcourseindia.com It courses india
202 www.ismindia.org ITUC School of Management
203 www.jimindia.com Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
204 www.jamiahamdard.edu Jamia Hamdard
205 www.jmi.nic.in Jamia Milia Islamia
206 www.jnu.ac.in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
207 www.jnu.ac.in Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU)
208 www.jaats.com Jobs & Career
209 www.simsr.com K.J.Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research
210 www.kmkcp.org K.M.Kundnani College of Pharmacy
211 www.knowfair.com Knowfair Communications & Services
212 www.kietindia.com Krishna Institute of Engineering & Technology, Gaziabad
213 www.kuk.ernet.in Kurukshetra University
214 www.ladybrabourne.8m.com Lady Brabourne College, Calcutta
215 www.lbsim.edu Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi
216 www.123world.com Libraries On The World Wide Web 123world -
217 www.mpbou.org Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University
218 www.mrsiit.com Maharaja Ranjit Singh Institute of IT, Patiala
219 www.makhanlaluniversity.org Makhanlal Chaturvedi Rastriya Patrakarita
220 www.mdi.ac.in Management Development Institute (MDI)
221 www.manipal.edu Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal
222 www.mlsu.ac.in Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur
223 www.msrchm.edu MS Ramaiah College of Hotel Management, Bangalore
224 www.msrit.edu MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology
225 www.msrsas.org MS Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies
226 www.mvjeducation.com MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore
227 www.nmims.edu Narsee Manjee Institute of Management Studies, Mumbai
228 www.nba-aicte.org National Board of Accreditation (NBA-AICTE)
229 www.nid.edu National Institute of Design (NID)
230 www.niftindia.com National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)
231 www.niper.nic.in National Institute of Pharma. Edn. & Research (NIPER)
232 www.schoolofdramaindia.com National School of Drama, New Delhi
233 www.delhihomeo.com Nehru Homeopathic Medical College, New Delhi
234 www.ndimdelhi.org New Delhi Institute of Management (NDIM)
235 www.niilm.com NIILM Centre For Management Studies, New Delhi
236 www.niit.com NIIT
237 www.nips.net NIPS School of Hotel Management
238 www.rss-nmkrv.com NMKRV College for Women, Bangalore
239 www.nehu.ac.in North Eastern Hill University (N.E.H.U.)
240 www.oasisbgn.com Oasis Pre Medical Test Coaching Institute
241 www.admission.org Online Career Guide
242 www.cdeou.org Osmania University
243 www.puchd.ac.in Panjab University, Chandigarh, India
244 www.pearlacademy.com Pearl Academy of Fashion
245 www.pictsitm.com PICT School of Information Tech & Management
246 www.pieeducation.com PIE Education
247 www.womenpolytechnic.com Polytechnic for Women, New Delhi
248 www.pgimer.nic.in Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research
249 www.presidencycollege.com Presidency College, Bangalore
250 www.psgtech.edu PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
251 www.ptujal.com Punjab Technical University
252 www.quantum.edu Quantum Institute
253 www.rkcsm.com R.K.College of Systems & Management, New Delhi
254 www.rcsm.com Rashtriya Computer Saksharata Mission
255 www.rauias.cim Rau’s IAS Study Circle
256 www.rcc.nic.in Regional Computer Centre, New Delhi
257 www.rurkiu.ernet.in Roorkee University
258 www.sliet.org Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology
259 www.collegeboard.com SAT Details & Enquiries
260 www.dundocollege.com Search For A College
261 www.srmscet.edu Shri Ram Murti Smarak College of Eng & Technology
262 www.smuhmts.edu Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences
263 www.manipal.edu Sikkim Manipal University
264 www.smu.edu.sg Singapore Management University
265 www.eeseeeducation.com Site for Engineering, Medical & Management & Study
266 www.polytechnic-sdpw.com South Delhi Polytechnic for Women
267 www.spjimr.org SP Jain Institute of Management & Research, Mumbai
268 www.venkateshwaracollege.edu Sri Venkateshwara College, Delhi
269 www.stgeorgecollege.org St. George College , Bangalore
270 www.indiainternet.com/sjcc St. Joseph’s College of commerce, Bangalore
271 www.cbsdu.org Sukhdev College of Business Studies, Delhi
272 www.schcpune.com Symbiosis Centre of Health Care (SCHC)
273 www.siftpune.com Symbiosis Institute of Foreign Trade, Pune
274 ww.siftpune.com Symbiosis Institute Of Foreign Trade, Pune
275 www.sims.edu Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies
276 www.simc.edu Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication
277 www.tjohncollege.org T. John College, Bangalore
278 www.tnau.edu Tamil Nadu Agricultural University - Coimbatore
279 www.tifr.res.in Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
280 www.tiss.edu Tata Institute of Social Sciences
281 www.tezu.ernet.in Tezpur University
282 www.thiagarajamanagement.org Thiagarajar School of Management, MAdurai
283 www.certifymyknowledge.com Tips on improving Biodata/Resume/Job/Career Prospects
284 www.lawentrance.com Tutorials for Entrance to National Law School, Bangalore
285 www.ttsvisas.com U.S. Visa Help
286 www.upsc.govt.in Union Public Service Commission
287 www.upsc.gov.in Union Public Service Commission (Upsc)
288 www.indiaedu.com Universities In India
289 www.unical.ac.in University of Calicut
290 www.uohyd.ernet.in University of Hyderabad
291 www.indiawatch.org.in University Of Madras
292 www.universityofmadras.ac.in University of Madras
293 www.mu.ac.in University of Mumbai
294 www.uor.org University Of Roorkee
295 www.utkaluniv.org Utkal University
296 www.utkaluniversity.org Utkal University
297 www.ietlucknow.edu/upseat Uttar Pradesh State Engineering Admission Test Cell
298 www.newdyna.com Vaastu Shastra
299 www.vec.ac.in Vellore Engineering College
300 www.nic.in/dahd/vci.htm Veterinary Council of India
301 www.vidyainfo.com Vidyainfo: For Iitjee Aspirations & School Information
302 www.ximb.ac.in Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneshwar
303 www.ximebangalore.com XIME, Bangalore
304 www.xlri.edu XLRI, Jamshedpur
305 www.ycmou.com Y C M Open University
306 www.zeelearn.com Zee Interactive Learning Systems
307 www.admissionguru.com
308 www.delhi4students.com
309 www.egurukool.com
310 www.jobsahead.com
311 www.naukri.com
312 www.humanlinks.com
313 www.careerfinance.com
314 www.careerbuilder.com
315 www.monsterindia.com
316 www.careerspan.com
317 www.careerplanning.com
318 www.groovyjobs.com
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
1. University Grants Commission
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002,
Tel: 011-23232701/23237721/23230406
Fax: 011-23236288
Website: www.ugc.ac.in
You can get the details of all universities and autonomous colleges in India from the
UGC website.
2. Armed Forces Medical College,
Sholapur Road,
Pune – 410 040
3. Association of Indian Universities
A.I.U. House,
16, Kotla Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23236105/23235335/23232435
Fax: 011-23232131
4. All India Council for Technical Education (A.I.C.T.E.)
Indira Gandhi Sports Complex,
Indraprastha Estate,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23379010
Fax: 011-23379004
5. All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi – 110 029
6. Bar Council of India
21, Rouse Avenue,
Institutional Area,
New Delhi - 110 002
7. Centre for Information Technology
Bal Sahyog Bhavan,
Connaught Place,
New Delhi – 110 001
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
8. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
2, Community Centre,
Shiksha Kendra, Preet Vihar,
New Delhi – 110 092
9. Council for The Indian School Certificate Examinations (ICSE),
Pragati House,
47-48, Nehru Place,
New Delhi – 110 048
10. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research,
Anusandhan Bhavan,
Rafi Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001
Tel: 011-23710138/23710472
Fax: 011-23710618
11. Department of Education,
Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Shastri Bhavan,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Marg,
New Delhi – 110 001
Tel: 011-23386451/23382698/23382587/23381097/23384359/23388632
12. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Technology Bhavan,
New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi – 110 016
13. Directorate General of Shipping,
Jahaz Bhavan,
Mumbai – 400 001
14. DOEACC Society,
Electronics Niketan,
6 CGO Complex,
New Delhi – 110 003
15. Indira Gandhi National Uran Akademi
Fursatganj Airfield,
Raeberali – 229 302
Tel: 0535-2202096/7, 2202806
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
16. Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Krishi Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110 001
Tel: 011-23388991/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9
Fax: 011-23384773/23318647
17. Indian Council for Cultural Relation,
Azad Bhavan,
Indraprastha Estate,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23319309/23319310
Fax: 011-23712639/23318647
18. Indian Council of Medical Research,
JNU Campus,
Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi – 110 029
Tel: 011-26963980
Fax: 011-26868662
19. Indian Council of Social Science Research,
36, Tughlakabad Institutional Area,
MB Road,
New Delhi – 110 067
20. International Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology,
P.O.Box: 10504,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,
New Delhi – 110 067
21. Indian Institute of Mass Communication,
Aruna Asaf Ali Marg,
JNU Campus,
New Delhi – 110 067
22. Institute for Plasma Research,
Near Indira Bridge,
Gandhi Nagar – 382 428
23. Institution of Engineers (India),
8, Gokhale Road,
Kolkata – 700 020
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
24. Institute of Chartered Accountants of India,
P.O.Box: 7100
Indraprastha Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23370055
Fax: 011-23379334
25. Institute of Cost Works Accountants of India,
ICWAI Bhavan,
3, Industrial Area, Lodhi Bhavan,
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: 011-24615788/24626678/24644629
26. Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
ICSI House,
22, Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi – 110 003
Tel: 011-24644431/32
Fax: 011-24626727
27. Institute National Science Academy,
Bahadurshah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23310717
28. Institute for Development & Research in Banking Technology
Castle Hills, Road no.1,
Masab Tank,
Hederabad – 500 057
Website: www.uohyd.ernet.in/ www.idrbt.com
29. Medical Council of India
Aiwane-E-Galib Marg,
Kotla Marg,
New Delhi – 110 002
Tel: 011-23236081
Fax: 011-23236604
30. National Council for Teacher Education
C-2/10, Safdarjung Development Area,
Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110016
Tel: 011-26965134/26967648
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
Fax: 011-26962416
Sri Aurobindo Marg,
New Delhi – 110 016
Tel: 011-26852261
32. National Open School
B-31/B, Kailash Colony,
New Delhi – 110 048
33. National Association of Software & Services Companies (NASSCOM)
International Youth Centre,
Teen Murti Marg,
New Delhi – 110 021
34. National Centre for Software Technology (NIFT)
NIFT Campus, Hauz Khas,
Near Gulmohar Park,
New Delhi – 110 016
35. National Council for Hotel Management & Catering Technology,
Library Avenue,
Pusa Complex,
New Delhi – 110 012
36. National Institute of Design
Ahmedabad – 380 007
Tel: 079-26639692
Fax: 079-26621167
37. Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan
Dept. of Languages,
Shastri Bhavan,
Dr. Rajendra Prasad Marg,
New Delhi
38. Symbiosis Society’s Law College
Senapati Bapat Marg,
Tel: 020-5655114/5671711
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
39. Union Public Service Commission,
Dholpur House,
New Delhi – 110 011
40. Amravati University,
Tapowan Road,
Amravati – 444 602
Tel: 0721-2662373, 2662206-8
Fax: 0721-2662135, 2660949
41. Bharati Vidyapeeth
Lal Bahadur Shastri Marg
Pune-411 030
Tel: 020-4335701, 4331317
Fax: 020-4339121
42. Central Institute of Fisheries Education
PB No.739, Kakori Camp
Jaiprakash Road, Versova
Tel :022-26361632,26361446
Fax: 022-26361573
43. Deccan College Post Graduate and Research Institute
Pune-411 006
Tel: 020-6693794-5,
Fax: 020-26692104
44. Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth
Akola-444 104
45. Gokhale Institute of Politics & Economics
Shivaji Nagar,
Deccan Gymkhana,
Pune-411 004
020-5650287, 5654288
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
46. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Mumbai-400 076
Tel: 022-25782545, 25726530(80 lines)
47. Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research
Gen A.K.Vaidya Marg,
Santosh Nagar, Goregaon (East),
Mumbai – 400 065
Tel: 022-28400919-21
48. Institute of Armament Technology,
Pune – 411 025
Tel :020-4389550, 4389444
Fax: 020-4389411
49. International Institute for Population Sciences
Govandi Station Road, Deonar
Mumbai-400 088
Tel: 022-25563254-56, 25563485
50. Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya
Waghele Bungalow
Mouda Road Turn,
Ramtek Road, Ramtek-411106
Dist. Nagpur
Fax: 0712-2560992
51. Konkan Krishividyalaya,
College of Agriculture,
52. Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya
Camp: C-2/43, Shahjahan Road
New Delhi-110 011
Tel: 011-26254830, 26259308
Fax: 011-26254830
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
53. Mahatma Phule Vidyapeeth
Distt. Ahmednagar
Tel: 02426-243216,
Fax: 02426-243302
54. Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth
Tel: 02452-223801
Fax: 02452-223582, 225045
55. Nagpur University
Ravindra Nath Tagore Marg
Tel: 0712-2525417, 2523045
Fax: 0712-2532841
56. North Maharashtra University
PB No.80, Umavinagar
Tel: 0257-2252187-90
Fax: 0257-2252183
57. Shivaji University
Tel: 0231-2655571-80
Fax: 0231-2691533
58. Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University,
Dnyanteerth, Gautam Nagar,
PB No.87, Vishnupuri,
Nanded – 431 606
Tel: 02462-229241, 229325
Fax: 02462-229245, 229294
59. S.N.D.T. Women's University
1, Nathibai Thackersey Road
Mumbai-400 020
Tel: 022-22031879
List of Names, Addresses Contact Numbers of
Important Bodies, Institutions and Authorities
Connected with Higher Education
Fax: 022-22018226
60. Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Sion-Trombay Road
Mumbai-400 088
Tel: 022-25563289-96
Fax: 022-25562912,25560108
61. University of Mumbai,
Mumbai – 400 032
Tel: 022-2652819, 2652825
Fax: 022-2652832
62. University of Pune
Pune – 411 007
Tel: 020-5656061-2-3, 6550272
Fax: 020-5653899
63. Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth
Pune-411 037
Tel: 020-4261856, 4267888
Fax: 020-4266068, 4271695
64. Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Dnyangangotri, Near Gangapur Dam
Nashik-422 222
Tel: 0253-2231714-15
Fax: 0253-2231716
Various SSI Options
1. Leather Bags
2. Leather Belts 1. Agarbattis (Scented Sticks)
3. Leather Brief Cases/ Suit Cases 2. Calcium Carbide
4. Leather/ Canvas Travel Kits 3. Cassava Starch
5. Leather Footwear 4. Cement (Mini Plant)
6. Leather Gloves (Industrial) 5. Detergent Cakes
7. Leather Goods (Wallets, Belts, Vanity Bags for
Ladies etc.)
6. Detergent Powder
7. Dicalcium Phosphate (Fertilizer)
8. Metal Fittings for Leather and Travel Goods
(Buckles, Suitcases handles, Watch
Straps, Hooks etc.)
8. Ink (Writing)
9. Ink (for Ball Point Refills)
10. Lemongrass Oil (Essential Oil)
9. Tannery 11. Medical Tablets
12. Mosquito Smoke repellent
13. Other Inks
14. Paints & Varnishes
15. Printing Inks
16. Safety Matches 1. Agricultural Hand Tools
17. Shoe Polish 2. Agricultural Implements
18. Soap (Toilet/ Laundry) 3. Air and Oil Filters
19. Sodium Silicate 4. Aluminium Utensils
20. Toothpaste 5. Band Saw Blades (Teeth Cutting Unit)
21. Wax Candles 6. Barbed Wire
7. Bathroom Fittings
8. Belt Fasteners
9. Bicycle Bells
10. Bicycle Chains
11. Bicycle Chain Covers 1. Bakelite Electrical Fittings
12. Bicycle Fasteners 2. Bulbs for Automotive Vehicles
13. Bicycle Pumps and Clips 3. General Light Services Lamps
14. Bicycle Stands and Carriers 4. PVC Cables
15. Bicycle Steel Balls 5. Voltage Regulators and Stabilizers
16. Bolts and Nuts 6. Water Heater
17. Brake Linings for Automotive Vehicles
18. Brass Casted Padlocks FOOD AND ALLIED INDUSTRIES
19. Builder’s Hardware
20. Concrete Mixer 1. Bakery (Bread and Biscuits)
21. Dairy Cans 2. Biscuits
22. File Fasteners 3. Bread
23. General Engineering Workshop 4. Cattle and Poultry Feed
24. Grinding Wheels 5. Fish Meal
25. Hair and Safety Pin 6. Flour Mill
26. Rural Workshop 7. Fruit Juice
27. Silencers and Mufflers for Automotive Vehicles 8. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation
28. Stainless Steel Utensils 9. Ice Candy
29. Stapling Machines 10. Oil Extraction
30. Steel Furniture 11. Rice Mills
31. Stoves (Wick Type) 12. Soft Drinks Bottling Plants
32. Tin Containers 13. Sugar (Mini Plant)
33. Tooth Picks 14. Table Salt (Refined)
34. Tube Rolling Mill 15. Toffees
35. Umbrellas 16. Tomato Ketchup
36. Umbrella Ribs and Fittings
Various SSI Options
37. Water Meters
38. Water Pumps
39. Welding Electrodes
40. Wire Drawing
41. Wire Nails
42. Wooden Furniture
43. Wood Screws and Rivets
1. Cast Iron Foundry
2. Electroplating Unit
3. Fuel Briquetters
4. Hand Tools
5. Pressure Die-Casting Zinc and Aluminium (up
to 1 Kg. Capacity)
6. Steel Rolling Mill
1. Carbon Paper
2. Card Board Boxes
3. Chalk Crayon
4. Corrugated Board
5. Drawing (Geometrical) Instruments
6. Envelopes and Air Letters
7. Exercise Books and Registers
8. Office Files
9. Paper Bags
10. Paper Cartons
11. Paper Cones
12. Paper Cups and Saucers
13. Paper (Hand-made)
14. Paper (Mini Paper Plant)
15. Paper Pin and Gem Clip
16. Paper Tubes
17. Pencils
1. Acrylic Buttons
2. Ball Point Pens
3. Blow Moulded PVC Goods
4. Cellophane Tape
5. Crockery (Melamine)
6. Plastic Cane
7. Plastic Flash Light Torches
8. Plastic Moulded Buttons
9. Plastic Recycling
10. Polythene Bags
11. PVC Footwear
12. PVC (Flexible)
13. PVC (Rigid)
14. PVC Woven Sacks
15. Spectacle Frames
16. Spindle Tape
1. Cycle Tyres and Tubes
2. Latex Foam Mattresses
3. Microcelullar Sheet
4. Oil Seals
5. Rubberised Coir
6. Rubber Erasers (Pencil Ink)
7. Rubberised Coir Mattresses
8. Rubber Pedals and Brakes
9. V-Belts
1. Canvas Hoses
2. Dry Cleaning
3. Handloom (Dress Materials)
4. Horn Buttons
5. Hosiery and Knitwear
6. Power Loom Dress Materials
7. Socks
8. Spindle Tape
9. Surgical Bandages
10. Surgical Cotton
11. Ready Made Garments
12. Typewriter Ribbons
1. Cement Plant
2. Concrete Hollow Blocks
3. Scientific Glassware
List of Books Giving Information On Careers. S.No Name of the Book Author Distributor Price
1 Multiple Career Choices - For
Graduate & Post-Graduate Courses
Devajit Bhuyan Pustak Mahal, 23-25, Zaoba Wadi,
(Opp. VIP Showroom), Thakurdwar,
Mumbai - 400 002
Rs. 120/-
2 Career Options After 10+2 And
Beyond - Science & Technology
Kum Kum Tandon UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd., 5,
Ansari Road, New Delhi - 110 002
3 Career Options After 10+2 And
Beyond - Humanities And Beyond
Kum Kum Tandon UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd., 5,
Ansari Road, New Delhi - 110 002
4 All India Directory of Biotechnology -
Institutes & Courses-Undergraduate,
Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 60/-
5 Openings for Graduates - Professional
& Job Oriented Courses
Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 150/-
6 Directory of Management Courses in
Sudhir Dawra Pustak Mahal, 23-25, Zaoba Wadi,
(Opp. VIP Showroom), Thakurdwar,
Mumbai - 400 002
Rs. 96/-
7 Top Ten Careers for 10+2 Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 100/-
8 The Penguin India Career Guide, Vol I
The Humanities
Usha Albuquerque Penguin Books India (P) Ltd., 11
Community Centre, Panchasheel Park,
New Delhi 110 017
Rs. 395/-
9 The Penguin India Career Guide, Vol II
- The Sciences
Usha Albuquerque Penguin Books India (P) Ltd., 11
Community Centre, Panchasheel Park,
New Delhi 110 017
Rs. 395/-
10 Openings After School Education Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 150/-
11 Study Abroad Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 160/-
12 Handbook of Vocational Careers &
Competitive Exams After class X and
Rotary Club of Nagpur Rs. 20/-
13 Directory of Scholarship in India &
Student Aid Piblications, 43 A, Krishna
Enclave, Behind Kulachi Hansraj
Model School, Ashok Vihar, Phase III,
P.O.Box no. 8502, Delhi - 110 052
Rs. 60/-
14 Careers After Xth & XIIth Prof. Kunal Gupta KIDS Publication Rs. 120/-
15 A Directory of higher education Malayala Manorama Press, Kottayam Rs. 70/-
List of Books Giving Information On Careers
16 Careers in Law Gitanjali Pandit CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 90
17 Careers in Television & Broadcasting Amit Chaudhery,
Saurabh Singh
CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 90
18 Careers in Computers Rakesh Narang CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 80/-
19 Careers in Chartered Accountancy Meera Khanna CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 80/-
20 Careers in Armed Forces Gurbir Mansingh CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 90/-
21 Careers in Government CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 90/-
22 Careers in Railways J.M. Ovasdi CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 80/-
23 Guide to Correspondence& Part Time
CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 95/-
24 Careers in Foreign Languages Rima Zaheer CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 80/-
25 Careers in Social Work Shilpa Jamkhedkar CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 95/-
26 Careers in Beauty Care Aruna Anand CARING', Vision Books Pvt. Ltd., 24,
Feroze Gandhi Road, Lajpat Nagar III,
New Delhi-110024
Rs. 95/-
27 How to get a college degree via the
Sam Atieh Magna Publishing Co. Ltd., Magna
House, 100/E, Old Prabhadevi Road,
Prabhadevi, Mumbai-400 025
Rs. 175/-
28 The Complete Education Guide Career launcher Tricom Media, A/8, Madhav Kunj, Dr.
Ambedkar Rd, Parel, Mumbai-12
Rs. 30/-
29 Vocational Guide For The Young And
UBS Publishers' Distributors Ltd., 5,
Ansari Road, New Delhi - 110 002
Rs. 225/-